Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Using ChatGPT (For Health Professionals)

Apr 4 / Drs. Bryan & Julie Walsh

In case you missed it, we've been taking a look at what ChatGPT means for health professionals. Last week, we shared what happened when we used it to write a sample health protocol.

Today we're exploring our next big question...What do health professionals need to consider before using ChatGPT?

Before diving into that, let’s briefly talk bandwagons.

We’ve always been passionate about not jumping on bandwagons right away. Instead, our modus operandi is to deeply consider all sides of something before taking action on it (hence, this article series).

For us, ChatGPT is another shiny bandwagon with a loud, musical horn, enticing us all to come aboard.

Once again, we’re all faced with a profound decision – do we jump on it, or not?

And if we do, where will it take us?

ChatGPT is another shiny bandwagon with a loud, musical horn, enticing us all to come aboard.  

Once again, we're facing with a profound decision - do we jump on it, or not? 

And if we do, where will it take us?
Before making a quick judgment on this, we’re inviting you to explore it on a deeper, fundamental level, with considerations such as:
  • How does it impact others if I do this?
  • How does it impact me or my loved ones if others do this?
  • Why am I really doing this? (Is it just to save time, work less, or look better to others?)
We came up with five specific scenarios that made our personal decision on ChatGPT obvious. We’re sharing them below for your consideration: 

Question 1: Would you let your children use ChatGPT to write their papers in school?

Parents, would you allow your children to use ChatGPT to write their school papers? Or would you encourage them to build written communication skills, organized thought, and critical thinking by writing on their own?

Teachers, if your students used ChatGPT to write their papers, is there any point in grading it?

Former students, what if a classmate used ChatGPT to write their thesis paper? They received a better grade than you, were awarded graduation honors, and were offered a well-paying job because of it. Do you feel they earned it? 

Bigger picture, should ChatGPT be allowed in educational settings? 

Question 2: Would you hire someone who uses ChatGPT?

People hire those they believe will get the job done, based on their expertise; this is unchanging. If you were vetting two lawyers to defend you in a legal battle, you would hire the one you believed was the most qualified to interpret the law. Who would you feel more confident about hiring?
  • Lawyer 1, who uses ChatGPT to formulate their responses
  • Lawyer 2, who uses the knowledge they have developed throughout their education and experience to defend you in the courtroom

Bigger picture, does ChatGPT equate qualification?

Question 3: Would you be willing to write “by ChatGPT” or "co-authored by ChatGPT" whenever you use it?

Using ChatGPT to write an article does not necessarily demonstrate your expertise. Instead, it displays your ability to type a question into ChatGPT, copy, and paste (maybe adding in a few quips here and there).

So then, is it honest to lead people to believe you wrote an article authored by ChatGPT?

Within the framework of science and academia, providing references, citations, and quotes around the work of other researchers is not only highly esteemed but it’s also expected. To that, should ChatGPT be included as a source? 

Bigger Picture: Are you plagiarizing when you use ChatGPT? 

Question 4: Would you feel confident receiving health advice from a doctor who used ChatGPT to determine their recommendations?

Here, we pictured taking one of our family members to a doctor because of a chronic, debilitating condition. Feeling scared and hopeful, we would look to this physician for guidance and answers. Finding out they used ChatGPT to formulate their protocol would unquestionably impact our confidence in them.

Bigger Picture: Should ChatGPT be used in human healthcare?

Question 5: How would you feel if you hired someone based on brilliant articles on their website, yet when you met them in person, it was apparent that they did not write it?

Imagine an intelligent article caught your attention on social media that addressed the exact problem you have been struggling with. Naturally, you would click through their website, which houses numerous ingenious articles demonstrating their expertise. Excitedly, you take out your credit card, pay your money, and book the appointment. When you meet this professional in person, you become confused. Not only do they communicate poorly, but they also know little about the subject matter that they seemed so proficient in on their website. Would you feel duped?

We have hired (and quickly fired) a BUNCH of businesses because of a glaring difference in their marketing vs. their actual abilities. In today's modern world, it is easy to be whoever you want to be online. Ultimately, what kind of longevity does a business like this have?  

Bigger Picture: Is it false advertising to use ChatGPT to demonstrate expertise?

As we continue this conversation on ChatGPT, we would love to hear your thoughts. Let us know!
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